Sample assignments for Xello


In addition to offering a wide variety of ready-made lessons, Xello provides an opportunity for educators to create assignments. This helps to ensure students meet the future-readiness learning objectives of their school region.

The following sample assignments can be used to help educators build upon Xello’s built-in curriculum or cover topics that aren’t addressed. Educators copy and paste “as is” into an assignment or modify to suit their needs. Educators can add additional resources, due dates, or anything else they see fit. After an assignment is created, it will immediately appear on a student's Xello dashboard. In each assignment students are provided instructions to either enter information in a text box or attach a file. Once they complete the assignment and submit their work, educators can review it, provide feedback, and mark it as reviewed. To learn more about Assignments in Xello, check out Assignments.

noteNote: Users with administrator access can use these sample assignments to create custom lessons that will show in the Lessons section on the student's dashboard. Custom lessons can easily be tracked so you can see how many students have completed the work assigned. To learn more, check out About Custom Lessons.

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