Educator permissions

userEducator & Xello AdminTime2 minutes

Xello has three educator access types, each providing a different level of access to program settings and student information.

To check your own permissions, click your name in the top right corner of your educator account, select Profile, and view the Permissions section.

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Administrator access

Administrators make sure the program is configured to meet student and educator needs. Administrators can change system settings, Add an educator account, Assign a student, and access all features and student profiles.

User level access

Users work with students or other educators. Users cannot change system settings or create new educator accounts. These users can access full profile details for all students at their institution. This is the most common access type.

Limited access

Limited access educators work with small groups of students and require access to only those student profiles. These users can see directory information (name, year, student number) for all students; they can only access the full profiles of students for which they have an approved educator assignment.