Update a Parent/Guardian Account

userEducator & Xello AdminTime1 minute

Update information on parent/guardian accounts such as their name and phone number and which students are linked to their account. You can also resend an invite or unlink a student from their account.

noteNote: Only those with administrator or user level access can create or make these changes. To learn more about educator access and permissions, read the article on Educator Permissions.

To update a parent/guardian account: 

  1. From your Educator Account, click Families to open the list of Parents and Guardians.
    Educator Account with Families menu highlighted
    Click to enlarge
    Educator Account with Families menu highlighted
  2. Locate the parent/guardian and click on their name.
  3. To edit basic information: 
    • Next to their name, click the Options dropdown and select Edit Profile.
      Click to enlarge
  4. To resend an invite or unlink their account from a student:
    • In the Children section, click the three dot icon and make your selection.