Students and Plans in Xello

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Not all students want to head straight into a university program. That's where Plans in Xello comes in. With different pathways such as apprenticeships, going straight to work, joining the military, or college or university, all students can feel prepared for what happens next.

Students access the Plans feature by clicking Plans in the top navigation or My goals and plans from their dashboard.

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The first page when they begin creating a plan has students picking a starting option. There are nine different pathways for them to choose from. Some of these pathways may be ones they've never considered, or even heard of before! But all of these pathways have students thinking critically about their own unique future.

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A helpful Not sure? Learn about this option link will open a menu to the side where they'll get a brief explanation, plus a chance to read a full profile of the pathway. They'll be able to watch a short video, view sample careers typical to that pathway, and view any finances or education required.

Once they've selected a pathway, they'll be prompted to think of their first to-do tasks. Xello provides three to begin with and students have the option to remove any.

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Finally, once the plan is created, students can add more information and details, including more to-do tasks, careers related to their plan, alternate pathways, and any notes.

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Additional resources

  • pdfShort video
    Short videoPrepare for your future with Plans

    Use this video to learn about the benefits of creating a flexible, actionable plan in Xello, and how students are supported in any future path.

  • pdfPDF
    PDFGoals & Plans - student walkthrough
  • pdfPDF
    PDFActivity lesson plan resource - My plans
  • pdfPDF
    PDFInstructional Plan - Planning for the future