Approve Educator Requests Made through SSO

userXello AdminTime2 minutes

This article is for those with administrator access who assign and approve educator accounts.

noteNote: Only those with administrator access can create or make these changes. To learn more about educator access and permissions, read the article on Educator permissions.

Once you've set up single sign-on (SSO) with Xello for your school, you'll receive a unique URL to send to educators. If you have already set up their Xello profile, the link will prompt them to confirm their account and create their password.

If you have not set up their profile, when educators click the link, they'll be prompted to enter their name, email, and a password. This creates a profile and request for access to Xello. As the administrator, a notification icon on your avatar in your Educator Account will let you know you have requests pending.

To approve an educator account request:

  1. From your Educator Account, from the top right of any page, click your name and select Requests to open the Requests page.
  2. Click the Educator Access tab to see the list of educators who have requested access.
  3. To the right of their name, to accept an educator's request for an educator account, click Approve.
  4. Choose their permission level and click Save.