Bringing Xello to life
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Choosing a software program for your students is one thing, bringing it to life in your school or college is another.

This guide offers quick tips and best practices for how to make Xello a success in your school or college. You’ll find suggestions for:

  • Getting the word out
  • Finding the time & building a team
  • Making readiness relevant
  • Supporting Xello in your school or college
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Getting the word out

Building awareness that Xello is available and providing clear expectations and opportunities with the program is critical. Educators and students need to know how to access Xello and what they can do with it. Here are some ideas to get the word out:

  • Help orient your educators and get them started with Xello with an email announcement or staff meeting presentation.
  • If your students are using single sign-on, like Google, create and share a short video to show students where to find Xello.
    tipIn the classroom: If you have a creative media or video production class, make this an early assignment for them.
  • Set aside time for educators to actually use Xello and collaboratively discuss their questions, concerns, and ideas about how to use the product with students. We recommend assigning our Student experience modules for Xello to educators as a way for them to explore Xello’s key features.
  • In your school or college, assign specific parts of Xello for different educators to become familiar with, and then ask educators to teach each other about their own knowledge areas.
  • Include Xello on your website and post related resources there.
  • Leverage existing staff meetings and communications to make sure your colleagues know about Xello and how they can and should use it.
  • Let parents and guardians know about Xello. You can use our pre-made templates or you can craft your own message.
  • Put up posters around your school or college to let educators and students know that Xello is coming.
  • Schedule a pre-launch support session for educators where they can field their last minute feedback, questions, and comments and ensure they’re feeling confident and prepared to launch Xello with their students.

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Building a team

College and career readiness is a team sport. Xello is most effective when different departments and specialities work together to build out the curriculum scope and sequence. There are many people who can be part of your Xello implementation:

  • Subject teachers
  • Careers leaders
  • Library and media centre specialists
  • Special education teachers
  • Principals and vice principals
  • Social workers
  • Parents and supportive adults
  • Student leaders
  • Community members

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Finding the time

The school day is already packed, so making time for future-readiness instruction can be a challenge. Here are some strategies that school and colleges have used to integrate Xello into their schedule. Find the ones that work for you:

  • Use Form or tutor group time for Xello activities
  • Integrate Xello into your school or college’s dedicated careers education, information, and guidance programme
  • Integrate Xello into your school or college’s dedicated PSHE programme
  • Bring careers leaders into core subject classes like maths, English, or science
  • Delegate instruction to core subject area teachers with pre-created lesson plans
  • Use Xello during one-to-one and small group careers education, information, and guidance sessions
  • Have future-readiness units embedded into every course
  • Schedule a specific time each week or each month to Xello, e.g. 1 hour every second Wednesday
  • Connect Xello to school or college events like career fairs, visits from local employers, visits from local further and higher education providers, and work experience programmes
  • Delegate instruction to core subject area teachers with pre-created lesson plans
tipPro tip: Use the England Xello Scope and Sequence workbook new tab or Northern Ireland Xello Scope and Sequence workbook new tab to collaboratively build a plan for the time and place future-readiness activities will take place.

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Making readiness relevant

Educators can help students see that the work they do in Xello is about them and that they have agency in creating their own future.

  • When introducing Xello, communicate to students how Xello fits into existing goals of that classroom setting. How does Xello connect to what they’re already doing? Establishing relevance will help students to engage.
  • Educators can use Xello’s lesson resources to find ways to integrate introducing Xello into a full lesson.
  • Educators can introduce Xello by doing a demo using their demo student accounts. They can take on a student persona, or do the demo using their own experiences and interests. Get students to collaborate when working through the demo.
  • Educators can share stories about their own career journey with students as a way to connect with students. Educators can also share examples of others in their lives who have changed careers - respecting individuals’ privacy, of course.
  • Teachers can use information on students’ interests to tailor work in core classes to create relevancy for class work.
  • Some teachers play music while students are working in Xello to foster a calm and positive environment.
  • Develop a scavenger hunt for students to explore the areas of Xello you want them to investigate and engage with.
  • Embed Xello activities directly in core subject curriculum. This is a win-win by clearly identifying how Xello is relevant to what they’re learning and establishing how what they’re learning is relevant to their future.

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Supporting Xello in your school or college

  • Make sure educators know about Xello Support. It has lots of resources, video, and downloadables to help them make the most of Xello with their students.
  • Create an Advisory Committee to plan and monitor the implementation of Xello across and within schools or colleges.
  • Add Xello as an agenda item to regular meetings with people in key roles. Review how your school or college is doing in meeting the targets you’ve identified for student activities within Xello.
  • Keep an eye on your reports in Xello to make sure educators and students alike are on track.
  • Archive year-end reports to see how your school or college is performing year over year.
  • Schedule periodic shareback sessions with subject leads so they can provide feedback, ask questions, and share experiences. Try to schedule these before Success Calls so results can be shared.
  • Actively seek student feedback from students about Xello through surveys and conversations.